The Warrior Blog

I hope you don’t mind if I get personal for a moment and share some details of my health and fitness journey.

I hope you don’t mind if I get personal for a moment and share some details of my health and fitness journey.

I find this very interesting and I hope you can extract some good information from it.

This isn't about me being awesome 🤣; it's about sharing quality insights that could help drive you toward your health and fitness goals!


I’ve now gone 2.5 years without missing a scheduled workout. I’m pretty proud of that.

**Key Takeaways:**

- Developing habits, just like brushing our teeth, makes this health and fitness stuff so much easier!

- Consistency is absolutely King!

- Let’s stop using age as an excuse. We got this!

- We can build our metabolism, but it takes a plan.

- We don’t need to be perfect with our nutrition, but we can’t use every day as an excuse to eat like a garbage truck.

**2nd Quarter Goal:**

How much food can I eat and still keep my waist the same size (34”)?

Why is this an important goal?

✅ It takes me away from the scale.

✅ Driving the calories bolsters my nutrition, metabolism, and overall health.

✅ Being aware of the waist measurement helps me keep my body fat in check.

**How did I do?**

💥 I systematically increased my calories by 26% over this time period!

💥 My waist stayed the same at 34 inches (so I don’t think I gained body fat).

💥 Additionally, my strength increased dramatically. My overall training volume over my last 12-week training block increased by over 14%!

I understand this isn’t a perfect study. During one workout, my volume increased by over 25%! At almost 61 years old, these aren’t “newbie gains”—this is the real deal!

🏆 Over the past three months, I got healthier by increasing my calories, stronger through my workouts, and both of which have substantially increased my metabolism!

**3rd Quarter Goals:**

I would like to get a bit leaner and drop some body fat.

Although I’m just getting started, I’m incredibly pleased with my results over this first week and a half. The added muscle has increased my metabolism and is making it easier for me to lose body fat! (I like “easier”!) ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

I’m already down over 8 pounds, though I know a fair amount of that is water.

By the way, I’m still eating a ton of food—including over 250g of carbohydrates per day. I mention this for those who erroneously think that carbohydrates are the enemy.

Thank you for letting me share, and I hope this helps.

As I posted the other day…

Building world-class health (or dropping a few pounds) as an adult doesn't have to be complicated! Follow these simple steps to enhance your well-being:

✅ Go for walks

✅ Drink more water

✅ Strength train 2-4 times a week

✅ Eat a healthy whole food diet

✅ Go to bed at a decent time nightly

And if you need more help with your personal health and fitness, just reach out to me anytime!

Let’s stop using things like my age, my genetics, my personal situation as excuses to circumvent us from achieving our health and fitness goals and maximizing our personal health!

#HealthJourney #FitnessGoals #ConsistencyIsKey #HealthyHabits #MetabolismBoost #StrengthTraining #HealthyLiving #AgeIsJustANumber #FitnessMotivation #Wellness #Nutrition #StayActive #NoExcuses #FitLife #fitover50 #fitover60 #1stphorm


Reach out to me today and let’s schedule a free, no obligation, 1 hour consultation. 💪🏼

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