The Warrior Blog

Momentum Over Motivation: The Key to Feeling Your Best

At this stage of life, energy can feel like a rare commodity. Work, family, and responsibilities pile up, and before you know it, exhaustion takes over. It’s easy to chalk it up to aging, but in reality, momentum plays a much bigger role in how we feel each day.

“I Know What to Do… I Just Don’t Do It.”

Recently, someone told me, “Dave, you post so much great information. I don’t need to hire you as a health and fitness coach.”

So, I asked them a simple question: “What did you have for breakfast, and how many times did you work out this week?”

Beer Bellies: It’s Not Just Beer, and It’s Not Just for Men

Your “beer belly” isn’t just a cosmetic issue—it’s a health crisis hiding in plain sight.

Think you’re healthy because your lab results look good? That protruding belly might say otherwise. Let’s set the record straight: you cannot be healthy with a beer belly. Period. 😳

The Gym: Where Strength Meets Life

Believe the gym is just for the young and already fit? Think again.

Your biggest obstacle isn’t your age or your fitness level—it’s your mindset. Ready for a perspective shift?

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