Happy Mindset Monday! 😎
When embarking on a “diet,” many make the mistake of eliminating foods. But focusing on what to add—like more protein—often yields better results. The same concept applies to mental health: what can we add to improve it?
Reflecting on a wonderful Father's Day weekend with my boys, I realize the importance of a strong support system for mental well-being. Yet, anxiety seems to be on the rise, as evidenced by increasing prescriptions for anti-anxiety medications like benzodiazepines and SSRIs. In the past decade, these prescriptions have surged, doubling in some demographics, highlighting broader mental health concerns.
But what if we addressed anxiety, depression, and sadness by adding to our lives rather than resorting to medication? Common forms of anxiety and depression can be significantly impacted by lifestyle changes:
✅ Exercise
✅ Better sleep
✅ Good relationships
✅ Prayer or meditation
✅ A healthier diet
These activities don't just add to our system; they address deficits in our daily lives that contribute to anxiety and depression. No one is born with a deficiency in Prozac or benzodiazepines. Instead, many lack essential elements like those listed above.
If you feel anxious, depressed, or sad, consider what might be missing from your life. Improving mental health isn't about taking a pill; it's about incorporating what you were naturally meant to have. Each component—exercise, sleep, relationships, spirituality, and diet—plays a critical role in overall well-being and they’re interconnected: better sleep leads to better nutrition, regular exercise improves relationships and emotional health.
As a coach, I often ask clients to consider which area would be easiest to start addressing. A mindful morning, a short walk, and a healthy breakfast can set a positive tone for the day. Remember, these elements support and enhance each other. You start feeling better when you exercise, meditate, or eat well not because these activities are remedies in themselves, but because they address fundamental needs you may be neglecting.
So, what is the one thing you can do this week to get your ball rolling in the right direction? 🤔
Identify where you're most lacking and take a small step to improve it. This small change can lead to significant positive impacts on your mental and physical health. 🙏🏻❤️💪🏼
#MindsetMonday #MentalHealthMatters #HealthyHabits #PositiveVibes #WellnessJourney #FitnessCoach #HealthyLiving #SelfCare
Reach out to me today and let’s schedule a free, no obligation, 1 hour consultation. 💪🏼
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