The Warrior Blog

Mindset Monday: From Sacrifice to Joy in Fitness - Part 2

Mindset Monday: From Sacrifice to Joy in Fitness - Part 2

Last week, we discussed how starting a health and fitness journey often feels like a sacrifice. But soon, these habits become second nature and a joy.


It’s amazing when these habits take over. One day, you'll find yourself grabbing a gallon of water without thinking, just as I do. Drinking a gallon daily has become as automatic as brushing my teeth.

I could share many “big stories” about how health and fitness have positively impacted my life. Meeting Melissa at the gym, bouncing back from back surgery 20 years ago, or Melissa’s early detection of breast cancer—her fitness likely helped in detecting that lump early. I hope I've set an example of health, fitness, and discipline for my children and, someday, my grandson will see the effort I put in to stay vibrant for him.

But let me share a simple story from a few weeks ago.

I was invited to see Godsmack with two of my boys on a Thursday evening. I usually stick to my nutrition plan and save “indiscretions” for special occasions. But this was a Thursday concert with my guys. I typically eat 3000 calories a day, divided among three meals.

We planned to meet at Primanti Brothers for sandwiches and beers before the show. I had my usual breakfast and lunch, allowing me to enjoy a giant sandwich, a few beers, and great conversation without any guilt. Thanks to years of building my metabolism, I enjoyed the evening with no negative effects. The show was fantastic, I cherished the time with my boys, and the next morning, the scale hadn't moved. WIN.

The efforts I’ve made to BUILD my metabolism allowed me to enjoy this time with my boys, eat and drink whatever I wanted, and simply enjoy the evening.

Too often, people stress about the menu or a dessert, worrying about the negative effects they’ll experience the next day. But I had a wonderful evening with my boys. There’s nothing more important than family, and I’m happy to make what some see as “sacrifices” to keep this life rolling forward.

And I’m doing it again today, with my entire family, on Memorial Day! 🇺🇸

Wishing you a wonderful week! 😎

#MindsetMonday #FitnessJourney #HealthyHabits #FamilyFirst #EnjoyLife

What small habits have you built into your daily routine that bring you joy? Share your stories and let’s inspire each other to keep moving forward!


Reach out to me today and let’s schedule a free, no obligation, 1 hour consultation. 💪🏼

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