The Warrior Blog

Breast Cancer Awareness month. 💞

Breast Cancer Awareness month. 💞

Happy Mindset Monday! 😎

I wanted to share a few additional thoughts for Breast Cancer Awareness month. 💞

Here is a small excerpt from my book!

Take accountability for your own health and fitness—No one is coming to your rescue.

For me, there is a real lesson to be learned here: We all need to be our own self-advocate for our health, because no one is coming to our rescue!

Let me jump to the end of the story… Melissa is now almost five years cancer free, doing great, and I would say healthier than ever! And that is all because she takes accountability for and being an advocate of her own health! Chemo is crazy on the body, and Melissa will tell you that proper nutrition and consistent weight training have been key to her recovery.

She and I have three amazing children who are now young men. And watching Melissa go through this with such grace has been a real learning lesson for all of us. There is no quit! And tomorrow holds no guarantees.

Health and fitness has given me—taught me—the resiliency to handle all that life throws at me.

For me, how can I not hit the gym hard and take care of myself after seeing all that she went through? But “lifting heavy things” is just a part of the equation. At that time, all our efforts were about getting rid of the cancer. I don’t think we were properly prepared for “getting rid of the chemo.” This is where proper nutrition really came into play.


Cancer tears the body down. 

Chemo tears the body down. 

We need to make a concerted effort to build our bodies back up! 

By the way…

Bad nutrition tears our bodies down. 

Excessive cardio tears are bodies down 

Insufficient sleep tears our bodies down 

Melissa made a concerted effort to build her body back up after the cancer and chemo through proper nutrition and weight training! 

Yes – concerted effort! 

All of us have challenges.

And all of us can take our health and fitness in our own hands to be the best and healthiest that we can be – for ourselves and our loved ones! 

And remember..

This isn’t just about eating right.

This isn’t just about hitting the gym.

This is how we do LIFE! 💪🏼

If you would like your own “personalized” Nutrition and Training Plan or a free no-obligation consultation, I will include a link below so you can contact me. And please share with others.

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