The Warrior Blog

“My knees don’t take ache any longer.  In fact, all of my joints feel great!”

“My knees don’t take ache any longer. In fact, all of my joints feel great!”

I had such a great conversation with one of my fellow 60-year-old guys yesterday:

“My knees don’t take ache any longer.

In fact, all of my joints feel great!”

Yes! We can do that! And the better your joints feel, the more you will move. The more you move, the more calories you will burn. The more calories you burn, the better you feel.

We just need to get the ball rolling in the right direction!

Health and fitness success comes down to 4 things:

✅ Exercising

✅ Eating healthy food

✅ Getting enough sleep

✅ Consistency ⬅️⬅️⬅️

99% of people lack “consistency”.

And that’s where I come into the picture! We need to make this work within your lifestyle. That’s what I, as a coach, help you do!

Yes, we can get a nutritional plan from an app or online. It will probably even be fairly accurate.(However, it certainly won’t take into account your past, nor the critical “behavioral” items.)

And yes, we can get a workout plan from the Intra-Web. It might not be perfectly designed for you, but will certainly get you going in the right direction.

This is great stuff!

However, if you can’t be consistent, it pretty much doesn’t matter.

Consistency is king! 👑

I mean, if you had the perfect diet, but can only follow it for 4 days – does it matter?

How about when life gets in the way?

That’s when a great coach really comes in to play!

What do we do about…

A new baby

A new job

Taking care of our parents



Work travels

Major lifestyle changes


Kids sports



Oh yeah… and the holidays!

This is what I do for my people!

Provide strategies and support to help them work through these challenges.

Are you ready to get started?

Reach out to me today!

I provide free, no obligation hour-long consultations.

Reach out to me today!

This is how we do LIFE! 💪🏼

If you would like your own “personalized” Nutrition and Training Plan or a free no-obligation consultation, I will include a link below so you can contact me. And please share with others.

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